
May 29, 2020

Our Baby Boy Nursery

I will get back to regular content over here on the blog – just wanted to share one last personal post- a tour of our nursery!

My husband and I have been married for almost 8 years, but have always rented up until this past fall when we bought our first home in Green Bay, so I’ve never been able to truly unleash my nesting energy into a nursery! I’m so happy with how it turned out- there’s only a couple things I would change if I were to do it again.

One thing we’ve learned in these first few months of home ownership is how long it takes to get projects completely finished (at least for us, when we have two littles running around!). It’s the first room for us to be totally done with, so that makes it special too.

I can’t wait to rock this little baby to sleep in his very own room. So come on out whenever, little man!

baby boy blue and gray safari nursery blue crib
blue and gray baby boy safari nursery
baby boy nursery blue and gray
handmade chalk art
nursery changing table in closet with artwork

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